Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? You’ll only fail when you procrastinate, or let your negative self-talk take the wheel. You might not win NaNoWriMo, but you certainly can’t

Rereading the novel after completing the first draft can be an eye-opening (and sometimes spirit-crushing) experience. With fresh eyes, we often find that the plot can be meandering or lacking

Whatever your stance on blogging, there is a lot to be said for being able to master writing shorter form stories, regardless of genre. In writing blogs, articles, and short

If you’ve already developed some notes for your MC and antagonist, odds are you’ve already got a few plot points worked out in your mind. This is where we put

Whether the antagonizing forces to your protagonist are sentient, or natural forces, having at least a basic understanding of the type of opposition your protagonist will face will get you

So, you have an idea for a novel. Now what? The most popular advice I found growing up was “just start writing,” but if you want to improve your chances